Dear MOM, We kinda see 'Memoirs Of Mud' as a comical harvest. Our crops are wild, hot, punk and fertile and we grow ART..! Inka and Imogen, formally known as ‘Fake Fucking Farmers’, want the best of both worlds; we love the simple life, tending to our carrots, digging up our potatoes… However, our farm seems to be a bit too fertile, we grow fashion, materialistic ideals, contemporary trends and you know what, this contradiction makes perfect sense. A big part of our fictional farm story is imagined through the contradictory nature of life. Keeping them heels clean is hard, are we starting to look like crap? how unfortunate or perhaps kinda beautiful… Where are our table manners, and how did we completely loose our dignity? Almost like chapters in a memoir, we pull you through some pivotal life moments with nostalgic and unexpected turns. Moments grow and get buried in the soil, digging into emotional states of darkness, joy and liberation. We give you full permission to laugh as our tragedy unfolds. ‘United on stage and bursting with energy, these wannabe farmers rake us through their fertile imagination. – So we welcome you to our ridiculous plastic farm of earthly runways. With love, Inka and Imo Ps. This is a circus show. Audience reactions: "A show that beautifully combines powerful visual scenery, sounds and SMELLS" "Pure, wild, unapologetic, comforting, grounding, uplifting, raw and beautiful." CONCEPT AND PERFORMANCE Imogen Huzel (UK/GER), Inka Pehkonen (FI) OUTSIDE EYES Santiago Ruiz Albalate (ESP), Gaby Munoz (MEX), Vejde Grind (SE) LIGHT DESIGN Kauri Klemelä (FI) MUSIC/ SOUND DESIGN Timm Weber (GER) COSTUME DESIGN Riikka Manni (FI) VIDEO Karine Bravo (GER/ BRA) PRODUCER Vilma Juutinen (FI) PRODUCTION Sisus CO-PRODUCTION Dynamo Workspace, Cirko - Centre for new circus SUPPORT The Arts Promotion Centre Finland, Cirkus Cirkör, Samuel Huber foundation, Linnanmäki Youth Circus, Helsinki City, TelepART PREMIERE June 2022 / Cirk Uff, Trutnov, Czech Republic DURATION 60 minutes PERFORMED Indoors in a theatre or black box setting or in a circus tent |